Who we are

    – Al Shaheen Food Company  (Fresh Farm)  is a joint stock company specialized in processing and packing all types of meat. The company and factories are located In Obour City, the city which is classified as the number one industrial city in Egypt. Fresh Farm is also the sole owner of the highly rated Spanish brand Martinez Barragan. The Spanish European food industry. The Purchase of Martinez Barragan by Fresh Farm in 2014 was described as a movKey in gaining valuable market share in the European food market.


    – Targeting an increasing market share in the food market in Egypt, Gulf And African Countries.


  – Distinguishing the high quality of our products through a wide network of  distribution outlets that continuously  meet customer expectations and confirm their satisfaction, and meet the requirements of the  parties involved in the activities of the company through the application and continuous improvement of effective  integrated  management systems.   


  – Sustainable business practices including social responsibility ( social, economic And environmental) and equal opportunities within our company, through a sustainable ethic in the practice of all our operations, and all employees are expected to cooperate and to follow the standards set in the management of the company.


  – The intended result of the application of the standars of an integrated management system for the management of quality, enviroment, safety, food and occupation health of the employees of the company.

 – Demonstrate the ability of the company to provide products that meet food safety and customer needs constantly while ensuring legal conformity.

 – Enhance customer satisfaction and meet the demands of interested parties and stakeholders through the effective implmentation of the integerated management sytem with ongoing imrovement process.

 – Help create an effective knowledge database to provide consistent products and services for business continuity purposes.
